19 JUNE 2024

In today’s digital age, maintaining security and privacy is more important than ever. With the constant threat of cyber-attacks and data breaches, it is essential for individuals within organisations to play their part in keeping information safe. While technology can help to a certain extent, human error is still a major factor in many security breaches. That is why following proper security protocols and being aware of potential threats is crucial in ensuring the safety of everyone involved.

Here are five simple actions you can take to play your part.

1. Following Policy
Policies are created to ensure the security of all individuals affiliated with an organisation. They serve as rules to reduce expensive errors and recognise potential threats to systems, data, and individuals. Adhering to policies is a simple and important step that all employees, regardless of their position, can take to protect the organisation.

2. Locking Workstations
No matter the employee’s position or location, it is crucial to always lock workstations and devices when they are not being used. This quick and easy step helps safeguard the access given to you and prevents unauthorised use of your logged on profile. Furthermore, it is important to use strong, unique passwords on all devices and never share them with others.

3. Keeping a Clean Workspace
Do not underestimate the significance of keeping a clean and organised workspace. While it may not appear to be a security concern, a cluttered desk can result in errors like misplacing ID keys or important documents. Maintain an organised workspace and securely store any items containing confidential information.

4. Avoiding USB Devices
Cybercriminals often opt for simplicity by distributing malicious software on USB drives in easily accessible locations. Another tactic is mailing infected drives to organisations, hoping someone will unwittingly plug them in and infect their computer. To safeguard against these attacks, only use authorised USB devices or those that you personally own, including charging cables.

5. Reporting Incidents
An incident is defined as any suspicious or abnormal occurrence. For instance, stumbling upon a USB drive out of the blue is considered an incident that requires immediate reporting. Why the rush? Delaying the reporting of an incident can escalate the potential damage. Reporting promptly enables organizations to swiftly assess the situation and minimize any potential harm.

Remember, people are a crucial part of cybersecurity defense. By following these simple actions and being vigilant in maintaining security and privacy, individuals can help protect themselves and their organisations from potential threats. Together, we can all play our part in maintaining a safe and secure digital environment.


Issued By:
Ms. Cornelia Shipindo
Manager: Cyber Security
Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN)
Tel: +264 61 222 666