Approved Tariffs

CRAN > Approved Tariffs
MTCMTCTourists Bundles83311163/20/2024
MTCMTCNew Postpaid Infinite Plans8294101/25/2024
MTCMTCAmendment of Postpaid and Prepaid International Rates tariffs825976511/17/2023
MTCMTCPost Paid Boost Bundles81062715/30/2023
MTCMTCSpectra Home81062715/29/2023
MTCMTCShowmax Bundles80772045/3/2023
MTCMTCTaamba Data Bundles Advance80531172/10/2023
MTCMTCSpectra Edge77301412/30/2021
MTCMTCAmended Spectra Tariffs76595569/29/2021
MTCMTCRevived Standard Packages72241955/3/2020
MTCMTCRevival of Old Service Plans69543509/3/2019
MTCMTCPre-paid & Post-paid extra data6863643/25/2019
MTCMTCPre-paid & Postpaid Int SMS679869312/21/2018
MTCMTCAweh O'Yeah - amendment679869312/21/2018
MTCMTCPrepaid International Rates amendment66343176/28/2018
MTCMTCNetMan - Amemendment65881765/8/2018
MTCMTCMobiz - Amemendment65881765/8/2018
MTCMTCPost Paid Service Plan & Extra Data Packages65881765/8/2018
MTCMTCData & International Voice Bundles amendment63451956/29/2017
MTCMTCPrepaid Products amendments63451956/29/2017
MTCMTCContract Products amendments63451956/29/2017
MTCMTCOka Aweh6215131/9/2017
MTCMTCNew Business Products60923188/10/2016
MTCMTCSmartShare Data Products60742617/18/2016
MTCMTCNetMan Turboboost60321696/10/2016
MTCMTCNetman Prepaid Data60321706/10/2016
MTCMTCAweh Prime590856912/24/2015
MTCMTCAWH GIG590856912/24/2015
MTCMTCSuper Aweh590856912/24/2015
MTCMTCAweh GO590856912/24/2015
MTCMTCMTC Select Packagages57251625/5/2015
MTCMTCMTC Aweh Packages Tariffs amendment57251675/5/2015
MTCMTCData Bundle Tariff Amendment57251685/5/2015
MTCMTCSuper Aweh Packages - Amendments54601015/8/2014
MTCMTCMobile Termination Rate (MTR)536951112/20/2013
MTCMTCFixed Termination Rate (FTR)536951112/20/2013
MTCMTCSMS Termination Rate536951112/20/2013
MTCMTCNetman Packages - price reduction535446712/2/2013
MTCMTCSuper Aweh Packages52693328/19/2013
MTCMTCNew Netman 4G Contract Packages511721/10/2013
MTCMTCNew OfficeBox 4G Contract Packages511721/10/2013
Telecom NamibiaNAMCOL Student Data Packages80772045/3/2023
Telecom NamibiaJiva Supreme & Unlimited Data Boost80772045/3/2023
Telecom NamibiaOranjemund OMDIs Speedlink80531172/27/2023
Telecom NamibiaFixed Broadband Tariffs77961783/16/2022
Telecom NamibiaInstallation Fees77961783/16/2022
Telecom NamibiaTN173003197/21/2020
Telecom NamibiaJive Supreme 201971761374/9/2020
Telecom NamibiaTN 1 - 201971761384/9/2020
Telecom NamibiaVSAT Packages71761384/9/2020
Telecom NamibiaNew Standard/Lite Contract Packages7098241/20/2020
Telecom NamibiaSpeedLink Prepaid6863643/25/2019
Telecom NamibiaData Links & Express Routes679869312/21/2018
Telecom NamibiaSpeedlink Lite679869312/21/2018
Telecom NamibiaUnlimited Voice call & Data Packages66343176/28/2018
Telecom NamibiaSouth Africa Fixed & Mobile International Call Rates - Review65881765/8/2018
Telecom NamibiaSpeedLink & TN1 - Amendment65881765/8/2018
Telecom NamibiaJiva Plus & Jiva Surf6215151/9/2017
Telecom NamibiaSmartEntry Packages6215171/9/2017
Telecom NamibiaFixed line Broadband615538510/25/2016
Telecom NamibiaNew VSAT Services 2016615542010/25/2016
Telecom NamibiaFixed line Prepaid 60742637/18/2016
Telecom NamibiaInternational Calls Rates, Inmarsat Call rates & Radio Call Rates60742667/18/2016
Telecom NamibiaJiva Package590857512/24/2015
Telecom NamibiaTalk International (SOHO) & Small Enterprise (SE)586751711/2/2015
Telecom NamibiaLine Rentals -Amendments586752311/2/2015
Telecom NamibiaTN Fixed Mobile Convergence Packages57251635/5/2015
Telecom NamibiaTime Divisional Multiplexing Pricing - Amendment57091414/10/2015
Telecom NamibiaTN Tariffs for Line Rentals Amendment57091424/10/2015
Telecom NamibiaLine Rentals57091424/10/2015
Telecom NamibiaFixed BroadBand Packages5683993/2/2014
Telecom NamibiaTime Divisional Multiplexing Pricing56831023/2/2014
Telecom NamibiaTN High Speed Broadband Assymetric Permanent Packages5667322/11/2015
Telecom NamibiaTN1 Packages561140511/10/2014
Telecom Namibia3G & 4G LTE561140411/11/2014
Telecom Namibia3G & 4G LTE tariffs55573129/25/2014
Telecom NamibiaTN 1 Maxi & MaxiPlus Packagages55342897/18/2014
Telecom NamibiaTN Maxiplus & Maxi Packages55342898/15/2014
Telecom NamibiaTN Speedlink Data Only Packages55342908/15/2014
Telecom NamibiaTN Line Rentals Tariffs Amendment - Basic Telephone & ISDN5442774/7/2014
Telecom NamibiaCorporate Call Plans5432643/27/2014
Telecom NamibiaMulti-Talk Family Packages5432643/27/2014
Telecom NamibiaTalk International5432643/27/2014
Telecom NamibiaInternational Calls Tariffs535446812/2/2013
Telecom NamibiaTalkNet & TalkNet Plus Packages534343211/14/2013
Telecom NamibiaTDM tariffs - Reconsideration52693338/19/2013
Telecom NamibiaNational Express Route Tariffs51941545/17/2013
Telecom NamibiaEmail to Fax5148753/13/2013
Telecom NamibiaFixed Broadband Packages - Business509243112/12/2012
Telecom NamibiaFixed Broadband Packages - High end packages509243112/12/2012
Telecom NamibiaFixed Broadband Packages - Home509243112/12/2012
Telecom NamibiaOnline Broadband packages509243112/12/2012
Telecom NamibiaSpeedLink Packages - Business509243112/12/2012
Telecom NamibiaSpeedLink Packages - Home509243112/12/2012
Telecom NamibiaMinimum charge per call459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaLocal call Charges459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaNational call Charges459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaTo a Cell-Phone 459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaInternet Call charges using 0700459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaVSAT call charges459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaTELEPLUS, TELEMAIL & CALLING PLANS459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaTelemail459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaTelePlus: Instlation & Rental459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaBest Friends459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaSmartfax459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaIVR459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaHotline459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaCall Barring on outgoing calls (Cust controlled)459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaCall Barring on outgoing calls (Fixed)459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaCall Barring on incoming calls459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaTotal Call Barring459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaCall Screening list (per 10 listed numbers)459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaCaller Line Identification restricted (CLIR)459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaCaller Line Identification Presentation (CLIP)459129410/26/2010
Telecom NamibiaTelemail459129410/26/2010
AOAfrica OnlineJet Home & Business75702907/2/2021
AOAfrica OnlineJola Epic VSAT7471842/5/2021
AOAfrica OnlineJola Extreem6863643/25/2019
AOAfrica OnlineJet Products66583787/25/2018
AOAfrica OnlineJola Broadband6215141/9/2017
AOAfrica OnlineNawagate Products5947132/15/2016
AOAfrica OnlineNawaspot Products5947142/15/2016
AOAfrica OnlineAfr KA (VSAT)57762877/3/2014
AOAfrica OnlineNawasat Products (VSAT)55342888/15/2014
AOAfrica OnlineNAWA VSAT54601025/8/2014
AOAfrica OnlineDial up511721/10/2013
AOAfrica OnlineWiMax Fixed Services511721/10/2013
AOAfrica OnlineADSL Business - Uncapped511721/10/2013
AOAfrica OnlineHosting511721/10/2013
AOAfrica OnlineWIMAX Home511721/10/2013
AOAfrica OnlinePoint to Point Wireless/Microwave511721/11/2013
AOAfrica OnlineVSAT Serices (VSAT Projects)511721/12/2013
CLICKClick Cloud Hosting CCOrbit Home,Horizon Business & Expanse Gaming83311133/20/2024
CRANCRANTermination Rates 2022790951010/1/2022
CSNCompuServe NamibiaHome & Business Air Fiber83311143/20/2024
CSNCompuServe NamibiaAir Fiber7998212/26/2022
CTSConverged Telecommunications SolutionsBroadband Wireless Tariffs5947122/15/2016
DIHDemshi Investmestment Holdings (Pty) LtdWifi Tariffs7730142/15/2022
ECExcellent Communications (Pty) LtdFixed Wireless Rates7471842/5/2021
IRIR TelecomWifi Internet 78372874/10/2022
ITGIT Guru Solutions CCInternet Packages78954778/12/2022
ITGIT Guru Solutions CCGiga Fiber (FTTx)76094428/9/2021
ITGIT Guru Solutions CCNew Fiber Products65881765/8/2018
LMLoc8 MobileHome and Business Fiber & MicroWave Tariffs77301412/9/2021
MBCathral Investment Ninety Six (PTY) LtdHome & Business Packages823565410/17/2023
MBCathral Investment Ninety Six (PTY) LtdHome and Business Internet Packages765955610/1/2021
MTNUCOMBozza tariffs799822/4/2023
MTNUCOMSupersonic Tariffs76976899/30/2021
MTNUCOMInternational Voice Tariffs76595569/30/2021
MTNUCOMBozza Tariffs76094427/30/2021
MTNUCOMDual Link Tariffs7471842/5/2021
MTNUCOMBeyond Wow7098241/20/2020
MTNUCOMInt voice tariffs679869312/21/2018
MTNUCOMFixed BroadBand Packages BIZSAT (VSAT)57091434/10/2015
OCOblixx CommunicationsData Packages Tariffs76094428/17/2012
OCOblixx CommunicationsFixed Wireless6863643/25/2019
PAParatusVoIP rates824569910/30/2023
PAParatusTop-Up Data Bundles80772035/3/2023
PAParatusOmojova Plus80772045/3/2023
PAParatusGeronimo 778954778/12/2022
PAParatusVoiP Tariffs78954778/12/2022
PAParatusTop Up Bundles78954778/12/2022
PAParatusSki-Fi Amendments78372875/1/2022
PAParatusLTE Infinity Lite Tariffs77301412/31/2021
PAParatusFiber Tariffs77301412/31/2021
PAParatusFlex Packages & Installation Fees765955610/30/2021
PAParatusEasy Fiber (FTTx)76094427/30/2021
PAParatusPay As You Go73003197/21/2020
PAParatusVOIP Amendment7098241/20/2020
PAParatusMumwe Business 2007098241/20/2020
PAParatusMumwe Amendment7098241/20/2020
PAParatusNew FTTx7098241/20/2020
PAParatusMumwe Amendment tariffs7098241/20/2020
PAParatusBulk SMS - Addition7098241/20/2020
PAParatusMumwe 701540310/11/2019
PAParatusVoiP Rates Amendment, Wimax & Fiber, LTE Prepaid and Top Ups6863643/25/2019
PAParatusYUR SAT6843222/14/2019
PAParatusLTE & Omajova Packagages 66583787/25/2018
PAParatusVoiP Amendment66343176/28/2018
PAParatusNew Yur Sat65881765/8/2018
PAParatusLTE Fixed Data Bundle63211426/1/2017
PAParatusLTE Data Packages6215161/9/2017
PAParatusYUR SAT Packages615542110/25/2016
PAParatusLTE Data Bundle60973428/18/2016
PAParatusYUR SAT60742647/18/2016
PAParatusYUR SAT Packages5947152/15/2015
PAParatus4G Broadband (WI-MAX)590857012/24/2015
PAParatusNational Standard 4G Broadband (WiMAX) Bundles 5432663/27/2014
PAParatusAdditional LTE Data Packages3/24/2017
PAParatusFiber Products7/6/2017
QKONQ-Kon Telecom (Namibia)Twoobii Broadband Services83311183/20/2024
SALTSALTInterconnection fees for Data Services823565410/17/2023
SALTSALTTariffs Reconsideration77309/30/2022
SALTSALTInternet Tariffs765955610/30/2021
SALTSALTWANlink amendment7098241/20/2020
SALTSALTTariff amemenment65881765/8/2018
SALTSALTNew Tariffs 20166241512/21/2017
SALTSALTMessaging & Collaboration Services - Amendment5947112/15/2015
SALTSALTWAN Services - Amendment5947112/15/2015
SALTSALTDNS & Web Services - Amendment5947112/15/2015
SALTSALTInternet Access Services5683973/2/2014
SALTSALTMail Archiving (Backup, Licence, Web Acess)5683973/2/2014
SALTSALTMessaging & Collaboration Services5683973/2/2014
SALTSALTWAN Services 5683973/2/2014
SALTSALTFax Intergration (GFI)5683973/2/2014
SALTSALTInternet Access Services52693348/19/2013
SALTSALTMessaging & Collaboration Services52693348/19/2013
SALTSALTWAN Services52693348/19/2013
SALTSALTDNS & Web Services52693348/19/2013
STSTFixed Wireless Amendment7098241/20/2020
TPTelepassportNOPBX tariffs7998212/1/2022
TPTelepassportNO-PBX tariffs77961783/16/2022
TelepassportSIP & Hosted PBX83311173/20/2024
WitelEcho Telecommunications (PTY) LtdMicroWave & Fiber Tariffs Amendment83311153/20/2024
WitelEcho Telecommunications (PTY) LtdBroadband Fiber & Microwave tariffs78954778/12/2022
WitelEcho Telecommunications (PTY) LtdDedicated Internet Access Tariffs78954778/12/2022

Ronel le Grange

Executive: Engineering & Technical Services

Ronel is a dedicated and experienced project management and business development professional with 21 years’ experience in the telecommunications industry in Namibia. She was responsible for various technological and commercial projects from the scoping and planning stages, to completion within specified time frames for both mobile operators in Namibia.

She is skilled in completing return on investment assessments, risk assessment, vendor negotiations, resource allocation and project implementation. Ronel is experienced in working with and leading cross-functional teams from technical, commercial and financial areas within young and established organizations.

Josephine Shigwedha

Executive: Regulatory & Corporate Legal Services

Josephine Shigwedha is an admitted legal practitioner with a Master of Laws (LLM) and has over eleven years of dedicated experience in various aspects of corporate law. Her extensive background includes five years at the Senior/Executive Management level, where she has consistently demonstrated a commitment to excellence in executing her responsibilities. She further serves as a Non- Executive Director for the Aviation Regulator, NCAA.

In addition, she holds a B-Juris Law Degree and an LLB Honours Degree from the University of Namibia. To further compliment her legal, compliance and risk management experience, Josephine obtained a Post Graduate Certificate in Risk, Compliance and Governance Law from the University of Witwatersrand, and completed the Executive Development Program leadership training at the University of Stellenbosch. She is currently enrolled for the MPhil in Business Administration with the University of Pretoria.

Moreover, her expertise encompasses regulatory compliance, legal risk management, contract management, litigation oversight, and policy formulation.

Maria Moses

Executive: Finance & Administration

Maria has over 20 years of experience in the finance/accounting field, and has served as an Auditing Officer, Management Accountant, Manager: Management Accounting, and Director: Administration Services for various public and private sector organisations in the pension fund industry, ICT regulator, road sector and mining and energy sector.

Maria holds a Master of International Business, Bachelor of Technology in Accounting & Finance, National Diploma in Accounting, Certificate in Business Accounting, Certificate in Telecommunications Policy, Regulation and Management (TPRM), Certificate in Project Management and Certificate in Management Development Programme (MDP).

Emilia Nghikembua

Chief Executive Officer

Emilia Nghikembua is the Chief Executive Officer of the Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN). She is the holder of a Baccalaureus Juris, Bachelor of Law and Master of Law (cum laude) degrees from the University of Namibia, respectively. Emilia also holds a Master of Arts in Information and Communications Technology; Policy and Regulation obtained from the University of the Witwatersrand and an Executive Master of Business Administration with majors in business and technology. She is an admitted legal practitioner of the High Court of Namibia.

Emilia was ranked among the top 100 African economic leaders by Institute Choiseul in 2022. The ranking identified her as among the 100 Africans under the age of 40 years, expected to play a major role in the continent’s economic development soon. In 2023, Emilia was honoured by the Windhoek Observer as one of 50 Namibians of Merit under the corporate leadership segment. Emilia is passionate about uplifting people.

Mufaro Nesongano

Executive: Communication & Consumer Relations

With over 20 years of experience in broadcasting, communication, public relations, and brand management, Mr. Mufaro Nesongano has successfully led various teams in the execution of communication and stakeholder management strategies across both the private and public sector within the realms of academia, tourism and quite recently, the insurance industry.

He holds a Master’s degree in Journalism and Media Technology, an Honours degree in Journalism and Communication, and a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Communication. Additionally, he has a certificate in Digital Transformation Strategy and Executive & Management Coaching.

Elton Witbooi

Executive: Cybersecurity and ICT

Elton Witbooi holds a Diploma in Business Computing; Honours Degree in Software Engineering; Bachelor’s Degree in Administration; and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. He served in various ICT capacities in numerous public and private sector organisations, before joining CRAN on 1 February 2023 as the Executive: Cyber Security and ICT.

Lucrezia Henckert-Louw

Executive: Human Capital

Lucrezia Henckert-Louw is a seasoned Human Capital Practitioner and holds a National Diploma in Human Capital and a Bachelor of Technology degree in Human Resource from the Polytechnic of Namibia. She also holds a Senior Management Development Program qualification, which she obtained through the University of Stellenbosch Business School in the Republic of South Africa. Before joining CRAN in 2012, Lucrezia was employed by the International Training & Education Center on Health (I-TECH), where she served as a Senior Manager: Human Resources. Other previous employers include the polytechnic of Namibia where she was employed for ten years.

Lucrezia is passionate about the field of Human Resources and in establishing CRAN as an employer of choice. Her conviction that Human Resources should be an advocate for employees drives her on-going effects to strengthen CRAN’s HR department to ensure all employees are treated fairly and equally, and that needs of the business are balanced with the needs of the employees. “employees of choice are those companies that receive recognition for the way they treat employees; they are the companies for whom people want to work. Becoming an employer of choice means that Human Resources balances recruiting the most qualified applicants, selecting the most suitable candidates and retaining the most talented employees,” she states.

Tanswell Davies

Executive: Governance, Risk & Compliance Management

Tanswell obtained a Baccalaureus Juris Degree (December 2005) and a Bachelor of Law Degree (December 2007) through the University of Namibia and he is currently studying towards a Master in ICT Policy and Regulation Degree through the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. He attended the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London from November 2005 to February 2006, where he completed a special program of study that focused on a legal system of Africa and Asia. Tanswell served as a member of the Namibia Rugby Union Disciplinary Committee in 2012.

He currently serves as a member of the Criminal Litigation Committee and as the Chairperson of the Bursaries and Sponsorship Committee of the Namibia Law Society. He lectured at the University of Namibia in the Law Faculty of the LLB Program on a part time basis from 2010 to 2013. He was admitted as a Legal Practitioner to the High Court in April 2009 and practiced for 4 years as a Legal Practitioner at BD Basson Legal Practitioners. In 2012, he joined PWC Auditing firm as Manager of Indirect Tax, a position he held until December 2012. He was appointed as a Legal Advisor for CRAN in 2013 to January 2015; in February 2015 he was appointed as Company Secretary for CRAN.

Helene Vosloo

Executive: Economics & Market Development

Helene obtained a master in business administration (MBA) through the Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University in the united Kingdom. She also holds an Honors degree in Statistics from the university of the State, South Africa. Helene lectured at the university of the Free State Between 1991 and 1992 after which she joined the National Planning Commission, Central Bureau of Statistic in 1992. In 1995 she joined the Ministry of Agriculture in the Directorate of planning, from where she moved to the electricity control board until she joined CRAN in 2012 as Head Economic Sector Research.

Jeanine Du Toit

Board Member

Jeanine du Toit is a dedicated and driven professional with a profound enthusiasm for finance, technical standards, and value-added reporting. With a career spanning over a decade in managerial roles as an audit partner/director, Jeanine brings a wealth of experience in bookkeeping, accounting, taxation, payroll, and audit engagements across diverse industries.

Jeanine holds an Honours Bachelor of Accounting Science and Bachelor of Accounting Science from the University of South Africa (UNISA). She is recognized as a Competency Assessor, Registered Auditor, Chartered Accountant, and Professional Accountant. Her commitment to professional excellence is further demonstrated through her active participation on various institutional technical and educational boards, including the ICAN Accounting and Audit Standards Committee.

Throughout her career, Jeanine has navigated a wide array of industries including Property and Real Estate, Fishing, Legal Practitioners, Manufacturing, Transport, Freight, Shipping and Logistics, Health and Medical, Retail, Tourism and Leisure (Public Sector), Pharmaceutical, Mining, Property Development and Construction, Agriculture and Farming.

Currently, Jeanine serves as the Managing Audit Partner of PKF-FCS Auditors and Executive Director in Walvis Bay for PKF Financial Consulting Services (Pty) Ltd, Namibia. She also contributes her expertise to the governance of the Namibia Institute of Professional Accountants (NIPA), as an invited Board Member and serve on the Public Accountants and Auditors Board (PAAB) Educational Committee.

Florette Nicolette Nakusera

Board Member

Florette Nakusera is a seasoned professional Economist with over 24 years of experience, ranging between leadership, executive, management and operational experience in the financial sector, the aviation sector, statistics, environmental economics, and the education sector. She possesses excellent communication and negotiation skills and have good strategic appreciation and vision. she has a collaborative approach, with good interpersonal skills to engage, motivate and encourage others. She is an analytical decision-maker that has considerable experience in building companies/institutions and managing difficult situations.

Florette holds an M.Comm (Economics) and B.Comm (Hons) Economics from the University of Stellenbosch. Additionally, she also holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Namibia, certificates in International Executive Development Programme (IEDP) form the WITS Business School and London Business School, and Executive Development Programme (EDP) from the University of Stellenbosch Business School.

She is currently employed by the Bank of Namibia (BoN) as a Director of the Financial Stability and Macroprudential Oversight Department, and Head of the Namibia Deposit Guarantee Authority (NDGA). She is also a Member of the Financial Sector Stability Committee (FSSC) and Macroprudential Oversight Committee (MOC) at BoN.

Veiko Shatilwe Alexander

Board Member

Veiko Alexander is an admitted legal practitioner of the High Court of Namibia and is the founder and director of the law firm, Veiko Alexander & Company Incorporated. He holds a LLB from the University of South Africa and B-Juris from University of Namibia.

Veiko’s service alignment is predominantly commercial and corporate advice, although a limited part of his practice also includes, labour, civil and criminal litigation. He specialises on advising on mining and minerals related law; licensing and regulatory; the drawing, negotiation and reviewing of contracts; conducting of due diligences and project financing.

Apart from being a practicing lawyer, Veiko is also a director, and serves on the board of directors of CRAN, Lemon Square Investments (Pty) Ltd, Nam-mic Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Ino Harith Capital, a leading fund manager appointed to manage the Namibia Infrastructure Fund 1 and Namibia Infrastructure Fund 2.

Gerhard Coeln

Board Member

Gerhard Coeln is a seasoned Electrical Engineer and founder of GeCoCo Consulting, responsible for electricity distribution & supply industry development and restructuring at local, regional, and national level. He holds an MBA from the Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh Business School in Scotland and a B.Sc. Electrical & Electronic Engineering from the University of Cape Town. He has recently participated in and received the TPRM certificate course at Wits University.

Gerhard initially worked at telecom companies in South Africa whereafter he returned to Namibia where he worked for a consulting firm Henning Seelenbinder and Partners (HSP) in Windhoek, which concentrated more on power systems and electricity networks throughout Namibia. He then worked for the Municipality of Walvis Bay electricity department until the establishment of Erongo RED.

Gerhard was involved in the restructuring process of the electricity supply industry that culminated in the creation of the Electricity Control Board. Moreover, he was the founding Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Erongo RED from March 2005 until January 2013. He provided strategic leadership, financial planning and management, board reporting, risk management, environmental scanning, stakeholder management, corporate governance, corporate image, and project management skills during his tenure at Erongo RED.

He as worked at multiple private electricity firms such as Rural Maintenance (Pty) Ltd involved in turn-around strategies for municipalities’ electricity department in South Africa.

Elvis Elia Nashilongo


Elvis Nashilongo is an operations’ practitioner with over 2 decades of experience in the management of Pension funds schemes. He holds a Master’s degree in International Business (MIB/MBA) specializing in Business Management strategies. He also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Executive Development Program (EDP), a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Industrial Psychology and a National Diploma in Public Management.

Mr. Nashilongo has served in leadership and management roles such as former chairman at Mobile Telecommunications Limited (MTC), a former chairman of Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) and Principal Officer of GEPF, Board Member at Retirement Funds Institute of Namibia (RFIN), Director and Chairman at Omusati Medical Hospital, and Board Member at Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa (PRISA). He is currently employed as General Manager: Operations, at the Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF)

Aletha Nangula Haufiku

Board Member

Aletha Haufiku is a Human Resources professional with over 15 years of business acumen and extensive HR leadership. She is a versatile, personable, results-oriented, and empowering Leader that assists the firm's leadership team in translating the company strategy into HR initiatives that improve performance, profitability, and growth, while also handling legal and compliance concerns, talent retention, and employee engagement.

She has expertise and experience in general HR and business functions such as Business Management, Strategic Human Resources, HR Staffing & Administration, Organisational Development Business Re-engineering, Employee and Labour Relations, Compensation and Benefits, and Employee Wellness, Health and Safety.

Aletha holds a Master of Science in Entrepreneurship (MSC) from the ESSCA School of Management in Paris, France; Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the City University of Applied Science, Hochschule Bremen, Germany; B Tech Human Resources Management and National Diploma Human Resources Management from the Namibia University of Science and Technology (former Polytechnic).

She is currently employed by Bokomo Namibia as Human Resources Executive.

Tulimevava Kaunapawa Mufeti


Kauna Mufeti is a Computer Science and Information Systems expert with extensive experience in the use of ICT infrastructures to support e-Learning in developing contexts. She also has a passion for software development, specifically in creating database-driven web applications for multi-user systems and developing content for online courses.

Her leadership journey includes heading the School of Computing from 2015 to 2020, where she oversaw educational, research, and administrative functions. She supervised multiple collaborative funded research projects with various national and international institutions.

Kauna also has a robust background in managing the development of software systems. She spearheaded the development of several Content Management Systems for the University of Namibia (UNAM) clients. She also managed the development of the University Management Information Systems project at UNAM, coordinating efforts between multiple stakeholders and an offshore development team.

She holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems, Master of Science Degree in Computer Science, and Bachelor of Science with Honours Degree in Computer Science, all from Rhodes University. Additionally, she holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science and Physics, from the UNAM.

She is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computing, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at UNAM.